Why Choose Knockhall Primary
We believe children learn best when:
- learning activities are well planned, ensuring progress;
- high expectations are in place for all learners;
- teaching and learning activities enthuse, engage and motivate children to learn, and foster their curiosity and enthusiasm for learning;
- assessment informs teaching so that there is provision for support, repetition and extension of learning for each child, at each level of attainment;
- the learning environment is ordered, the atmosphere is purposeful, and children feel safe;
- there are strong links between home and school, and the importance of parental involvement in their children’s learning is recognised, valued and developed.
Our bespoke curriculum is celebrated through Big Bang Days which provide the hook and engagement to children culminating in an end of term celebration whereby parents/carers are invited to attend Family Learning sessions.
We are committed to providing an excellent extra-curricular offer which offer an engaging, fun and ambitious programme of opportunities.
Discover more in our video! Click the image below to watch!