Early Years Foundation Stage at Knockhall Primary School

We love learning in Early Years and provide our children with fun and purposeful activities to engage them in their own learning. In both Nursery and Reception, the children develop through playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically.

You can watch below our virtual tour of our school's early years provision:


We work from the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS), which covers all areas of children’s learning and development from birth to five years old. There are 7 areas of learning which are divided into two areas, prime and specific.

The ‘prime areas’:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development

The 'specific areas':

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

These lead to 17 Early Learning Goals, which summarise the knowledge, skills and understanding that children should gain by the end of the Early Years. Expected levels that children should reach at the end of the Reception year are called the Early Learning Goals (ELGs).

As well as what children learn, the EYFS sets out how children learn; the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ for example, encouraging children to keep going though difficulties, and to be creative and follow their own ideas.

We provide a balance between adult-led and child-initiated experiences. Children are supported in their development through play and exploration opportunities, short carpet sessions, and adult guided work. Although the curriculum remains very play based in nursery, the balance shifts gradually throughout the Reception year towards more activities led by adults, to support children in their transition for more formal learning in Year 1. For example, Literacy (reading and writing) is taught through the phonics programme following ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds’ and Maths is taught through a mastery approach, which builds on from children’s learning of early mathematical concepts.

Both Nursery and Reception children have the opportunity for daily outdoor learning supported through fully resourced outdoor areas, which support their learning and independence in all areas.

The classrooms and outdoor spaces are organised so that children can access most resources independently, take ownership of their own learning and provide opportunities for exploration. These are called ‘enabling environments’. We follow children’s interests and provide ‘hands on’ experiences to engage the children during ‘free flow’ periods. Our resources are ‘open ended’ and can be used flexibly so that the children are not restricted and can follow their interests and ideas creatively.

An important part of teaching in EYFS is through high quality interactions. Adults observe the children closely as they play and join in sensitively to support them and move their learning on extending their language and thinking, and helping to develop their skills.

Our aim is that the children leave Reception as confident, independent learners, ready for the challenges of Year 1.

At Knockhall Primary, we are fortunate to have a large outdoor space across from our field which has been developed into a Forest School area.

Children in Nursery and Reception will have an opportunity to regularly visit Forest School and have session led by a Forest School leader.  During Forest School sessions, children are able to explore and interact with the natural environment and have free access to direct their own learning through exploration.  Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all those involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.

All children who take part in Forest School sessions must wear the appropriate clothing and footwear for the season.

Please find the materials that were used during the Maths Workshop and a link to a recording of the session. To ensure the document regarding the progression of skills is clearly visible you will find this attached as a separate document.




If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email the school office or speak to a member of your child's class team. 

It would be great to hear any feedback that you may have once you have watched the recording, parents who attended in person were asked to complete a speech bubble, feel free to ask for one so you can also offer your feedback too.

Please find below the links that will allow you and your child to watch their new class teacher introducing themselves and reading a story. The videos will support your child to experience a smoother transition into their start to school.


Miss Taylor - Ducklings (Nursery) 



Miss Shergill - Owlets 



Mrs Journet - Cygnets
