Inclusion Overview

Our school welcomes and celebrates inclusion and diversity, supporting the needs of children and their families from a wide range of backgrounds and those with a range of needs.

We support every child with their social, emotional and mental wellbeing development by providing targeted support from; in-class support with teachers considering and catering for all in the education provision and curriculum to specific intervention on a one-to-one basis or groups of children.

Targeted preventative and intervention support from our wellbeing coaches includes:

  • Lego Therapy
  • Social Skills groups
  • Individualised support plans for identified children and families
  • Pastoral Support Plans
  • Talk and Draw
  • Bereavement support
  • Nurture Group provision

In addition, our school provides specific support for the following groups of children:

  • Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
  • Children with medical conditions
  • Children with English as an additional language (EAL)
  • Children in receipt of Pupil Premium (PPG)
  • Children who are looked after or previously looked after (LAC)


Our school works alongside a number of external professionals and specialist teachers/therapists in order to extend our Inclusion offer so that all needs can be provided for:

  • Specialist Teacher Service (STLS)
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Education Welfare Officer
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Counsellor
  • School Nurse
  • Early Help

Our school curriculum includes a bespoke Personal Development curriculum which incorporates Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) as well as Character and British Values.   The development of this curriculum ensures that children are well supported in their social, emotional and wellbeing development.  We recognise that all children need to feel nurtured and safe in their school environment so that they can be happy, engaged, motivated learners who are able to have successful relationships with their peers and adults around the school.

Our school takes safeguarding children seriously; providing a safe and secure culture where all voices are heard and listened to.  Our safeguarding systems are rigorous for identification and following up when concerns are evident.  Our staff have access to annual safeguarding training (e.g. child protection, extremism and radicalisation, mental health, attachment and trauma) which contributes to the wellbeing of all.

Our school celebrates the rich and diverse community that we serve.  For more information, please take a look at our Equality Information and Objectives document which can be found in the policies section on our website.

You can view our inclusion policies here